Lodging your tax return is easier when you have everything ready that you will need. Be prepared this tax time and use our checklist to make sure you have everything you need.
The Basics:
You will need your:
Tax File Number
Bank details (BSB and account number) to receive any refund owed
details from payment summaries from employers, super funds, Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs
statements from banks and financial institutions showing interest received
details of foreign pensions or other foreign income received
employment termination payment summaries
details of any child support payments made.
If you have a spouse, you will need details of their income and expenses to ensure we get your entitlements right.
If you have shares, units, managed funds or other investments you will need details of:
dividend payments and distributions
any investment gains or losses from the disposal of shares, units and rental properties.
If you own a rental property you will need details of:
rental income earned
interest charged on money you borrowed for the rental property
other expenses relating to the property, including any expenditure on capital works.
