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$2,000 Business Grant is now open!

Vanessa Miranda

To be eligible, you must:

- be located within Victoria

- be registered as operating in an eligible industry sector identified in the list of Eligible ANZSIC classes (as defined by the industry classification linked to the business’ ABN)

- have incurred costs as a direct result of the circuit breaker action announced on 12 February 2021

- have an annual Victorian payroll of no more than $3 million in 2019-20

- be registered for goods and services tax (GST) on 12 February 2021

- hold an Australian business number (ABN) and have held that ABN at 12 February 2021.

Note on evidence of eligibility:

If you are an employing business, you will need to provide the WorkCover Employer Number (WEN) or WorkSafe Application Reference Number (WRN) linked to the business.

Non-employing businesses (such as sole traders) need to provide an eligible proof of identity document.

You can apply for one grant per ABN.

Further notes:

Businesses that received a grant under the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund (LHVF), including the associated Circuit Breaker Payment to LHVF recipients, are not eligible for a grant under the Program.

Businesses that meet the Program eligibility criteria that have received assistance through the three rounds of the Business Support Fund, payroll tax rebate/waiver, or other COVID-19 programs are eligible to apply for assistance under the Program.

Accommodation businesses that apply to both the Program and the Victorian Accommodation Support Program will only be eligible for the maximum grant available under either program.

Below is a list of eligible business codes.

Please note that your ABN must show this code in order to be eligible. You can search your ABN business code via the ABR look up website ( or on the business schedule of your last tax return.

You can apply for this grant via the Business Victoria Website

Our office can apply for this on your behalf. Our fee is $165 and your account with us must be up to date, or you must make this payment, before we can proceed with the application.

Applications close 16th March or when the funds are exhausted.

Please contact us if you require assistance with this grant.

4511 Cafes and Restaurant

4520 Pubs, Taverns and Bars

4512 Takeaway Food Services

4530 Clubs (Hospitality)

4513 Catering Services Food Wholesaling

3601 General Line Grocery Wholesaling

3604 Fish and Seafood Wholesaling

3602 Meat, Poultry and Smallgoods Wholesaling

3605 Fruit and Vegetable Wholesaling

3603 Dairy Produce Wholesaling

3609 Other Grocery Wholesaling Tourism

4621 Interurban and Rural Bus Transport

8910 Museum Operation

4820 Water Passenger Transport

8921 Zoological and Botanical Gardens Operations

4900 Air and Space Transport

8922 Nature Reserves and Conservation Park Operation

5010 Scenic and Sightseeing Transport

9001 Performing Arts Operation

5029 Other Transport n.e.c

9002 Creative Artists, Musicians, Writers and Performers

7220 Travel Agency and Tour Arrangement Services

9131 Amusement Parks and Centres Operation

9139 Amusement and Other Recreational Activities n.e.c.

4400 Accommodation

5513 Motion Picture Exhibition

9114 Sports and Physical Recreation Administrative Service

7299 Other Administrative Services n.e.c (e.g. events management/organisers)

9111 Health and Fitness Centres and Gymnasia Operation

6639 Other Goods and Equipment Rental and Hiring n.e.c (e.g. events staging, lighting, etc.)

6991 Professional Photographic Services (e.g. wedding and events photographers/videographers)

9003 Performing Arts Venue Operation

9539 Other personal services n.e.c. (e.g. wedding celebrants)

9001 Performing Arts Operation

1174 Bakery Product Manufacturing (NonFactory based) (e.g. suppliers to hospitality and events)

6631 Heavy Machinery and Scaffolding Rental and Hiring

9511 Hairdressing and Beauty Services Selected Retail

4274 Flower Retailing

4129 Other Specialised Food Retailing (e.g. confectionary, chocolate retailing)

As always, we are here to support you.

Please contact us if you have any queries.

Vanessa & the team at Mirandas.

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